In social media or in online as case may be there are slang or abbreviation that helps in writing quick . to make your social media friends happy you must replay to their messages .it's is very boring to respond to messages sent from friend after a week . in other to have all messages sent to you treated you must have magic finger pills lolz, (laugh out lols) sound funny right .
Nothing like magic finger pills all you have to do is learning short code of words to use in social media.
Many people hate seeing abbreviated words or slang due to they don't know the meaning . "AMAIK" ( As much as i know) joy drived from social media is the emoji or slang/abbreviated words used due to it tells the natural feeling of your social media friends.
NB: do not use slang any how if you don't know the meaning and don't hesitate to ask the sender the meaning some feel shy to ask simple because they think asking will make them look low before the sender, and don't use vulgar slang on social media b/C ( because) social media is meant for fun not pun.
Warning!: frequently use of social media slang will make you forget the correct spelling of a particular word (s) so use with caution.
Below are social media slang you need to know
Acronyms to Express Laughter Online
Slang. Meaning
1. LOL (laughing out loud)
2. LOLZ ( more than one laugh)
3. ROFL. (rolling on the floor laughing)
4. LQTM (laughing quietly to myself)
5. LSMH. (laughing & shaking my head)
6. LMHO (laughing my head off)
7. HAHA (this one goes without saying)
8. :D (laughing emoji)
 Acronyms to express one self online/ business
Slang meaning
1: AAMOF. As a matter of fact
2: AFAIK. As far as I know
3: AFK. Away from keyboard
4: BC (B/C) Because
5: BRB Be right back
6: 2BTT. Too busy to talk
7: BTT. Back to topic
8: NOYB. None of your business
9; NOMB . None of my business
10: BTW. By the way
11: NM. Never mind
12: CYA. See you or cover Your a**
14: DIY. Do it yourself
15: DYW. Do your worse
16: YAH. Your
- 17: Nah. No
18: QED. That's final / Ends discussion
19: EOD. End of discussions
20:FWIW. For what it's worth
For your eyes only
22:4YM. For your mind
23 : GR8. Great
24: IDK. I don't know
25:IMO/IMHO. In my opinion
In my honest opinion
26: IRL. In real life
27: JK. Just kidding
28: L8R. Later
29:noob(n00b). Newbies /newcomer
30:NOYB. None of your business
31:NP /No P . No problem
32: G2G. Good to go
33: Tal8r Talk later
34: DM. Direct message
35: PC. Private Chat
36: ASAP. As soon as possible
37: B3low Battery low
Read also:
. my-tecno-smart-phone-is- hanging read how to fix it
.how-do-i-make-money-online without investing fund
.All-current-airtel-tariff-plan-and their codes
35: PC. Private Chat
36: ASAP. As soon as possible
37: B3low Battery low
Read also:
. my-tecno-smart-phone-is- hanging read how to fix it
.how-do-i-make-money-online without investing fund
.All-current-airtel-tariff-plan-and their codes
Acronyms to express love on social media like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp etc
Slang. Meaning
KOL. kiss on lips
OMG. Oh my God
KAH. Kiss and hug
T2G. Time to go
LUM. Love you more.
KYAO. Kiss you all over
BFE. Best friend ever
Slque. Slay Queen
OTOH. On the other hand
ATM. At the moment
RTM/RTFM. Read the effing man Manual.
TIA. Thanks in advance
TMI. Too much information
TTYL/ T2YL. Talk to you later
Gnit Good night
STit Sleep tight
G2b. Go to bed
Acronym to express naught feelings on social media (Twitter, Facebook,Instagram, WhatsApp etc)
Slang. Meaning
WCW. Wednesday crushue women
WCM . Wednesday crushie Men
SMD. Suck me dry
WABB. What a big b***s
FMAH. F*** my ass hard
LMAO laugh my ass out
KMA. Kiss my a**
KOTH. Kiss on the head
OS. Oh shit!!
Acronym to express anger online
Slang. Meaning
OT Off topic
AH. Ass hole
DicH. D**k head
FKO. F**k off
TNS. Total Nonsense
MF. Mother f***er
WTF. What the f***.
OK. Yes
YOK. You're Off key
OK. Yes
YOK. You're Off key
Acronym to express appreciation or religious belief online
Slang. Meaning
TY. Thank you
TGIF. thank God is Friday
IJN. In Jesus name
T4TI. Thanks for the information
TIA. Thanks in Advance
H2HT Happy to hear that
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Let's make more fun on social media
Best regard C4all team
Let's make more fun on social media
Best regard C4all team
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